I Remember Well the Day We Wed…

08 Apr

If you know the song “When I Said I Do” by Clint Black I probably just put a song in your head. If not…you may want to expand your  music knowledge just a tad.

It seems weird that 6 months have already passed since we got married. It seems like we have been in some weird time warp with all that has gone on since we got married. Honeymoon, senior show, graduation, holidays and now we are entering the final stretch and Chip will soon be graduated and he has a new job. The last six months have been packed for sure!

In honor of our six months I have decided to write down a few things I have learned about my groom.


1. He has an IMMENSE dislike for toothpaste…no really.

2.He truly loves video games. Why? Because it involves his nothing box.

3. He loves books. He has a list a mile long he wants to read or is currently reading.

4. Nine times out of ten he will say he doesn’t want a drink or a snack. However that is just code for “I’ll eat/drink yours”

5. Any round object is fair game for kicking like a soccer ball

6. While knowing his way around a computer, he isn’t all that tech savvy. just the other day he couldn’t get his phone to turn on and handed it to me and said “Ahnee, fix it” in his cute voice

7. He won’t wear shoes in the house. Ever.

8. He gets super excited about what he learns at school and oddly enough about getting to go to sleep.

9. He will never have enough hot sauces.

10. He knows he is cute and will play that up whenever he can.

11. He procrastinates.

12. He loses things and then asks me to find them which I always can.

13. He LOVES change.

14. He is scared of becoming unhealthy/fat. ((He will say he isn’t afraid of being fat…this is a lie haha))

15. If he is woken up in a “not nice” way, he will be quite grumpy

16. When he gets stressed out it is hard for him to find a trash can, clothes hamper, etc.

17. He may attack you with a Nerf gun whenever he feels the need to do so

18. He has been known to play guitar, listen to music, and watch tv all the same time.

19. He has a heart bigger than anyone I have ever met and it is really hard for him to see his friends struggling with something.

20. And after six months I still say there is not a doubt that he is the one for me.

So here is to six months of being married to my best friend. the good, the bad, and the ugly with him is 100 times better than any life I could have had without him.

Well that is all for this week.

Until Next Time,



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